Live Like A Student
Live Like a Student is a free, 3-week, zero-credit financial literacy course. During Live Like a Student, many topics will be covered, including budgeting, setting goals, financial aid, investing, credit cards, credit reports, identity protection, and more!
There are multiple sections offered each semester. Attendees receive a free t-shirt and for each class period they attend, they are entered into a drawing for multiple scholarship opportunities, ranging from $250-$1,000!
What Does It Mean to Live Like a Student?
Set financial goals.
Do you want to pay down debt or minimize student loan debt? Start saving for retirement? Travel and socialize? Create an emergency fund? Consider your short, intermediate, and long-term goals.
Create a budget.
Budgets are the foundation of financial security. A budget allows you to evaluate your income and expenses, gain control of your money, and manage your financial habits.
Live within your means.
Only buy things you can afford; consider your wants vs. needs.
Plan for your financial future.
Act responsibly regarding loans, bill paying, and credit card usage. Start saving as soon as possible, and create a plan for your money. The financial choices you make as a student impact your ability to live the lifestyle you desire post-graduation and later in life.