College Credit

Have college credit to transfer?

Way to go! You have a jump start on your college education with credits to transfer to UNI. In order for this credit to count, any official test scores or transcripts need to be sent to the Office of Admissions

UNI accepts the following types of course credit:

  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • International Baccalaureate Credit 
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Dual Enrollment
  • Iowa Seal of Biliteracy

Credit Types

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Students who have earned the Seal of Biliteracy (as noted on their official high school transcript) will satisfy UNI's world language requirement. 

Students who earned the Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish, French, German, or American Sign Language (ASL) will earn 6 credits for the Elementary I and Elementary II level classes in those respective languages (SPAN 1001/1002, FREN 1001/1002, or ASL 3190/3195). Students who earned the Seal of Biliteracy in Chinese will earn 8 credits (CHIN 1001/1002).  Students must request credit to be added by emailing

Students who earned the Seal of Biliteracy in languages other than Spanish, French, Chinese, or ASL, will earn 6 credits in LANG 1000Z

Heritage speakers of Spanish or French (i.e. students who grew up speaking these languages) may earn up to 15 retrocredits by taking a UNI language class for heritage speakers with a grade of B or better. They should contact the following faculty in the Department of Languages & Literatures to learn more about this opportunity

Heritage speakers of Spanish should contact Juan Carlos Castillo or Elise DuBord
Heritage speakers of French should contact Elizabeth Zwanziger

Important:  Duplicate credit will not be awarded if the student has already received credit via AP, IB, CLEP or dual enrollment.  


1 in 12 UNI students graduate within three years. 

Many students who bring in credit to UNI are finding they can graduate early. This is due to UNI’s flexible general education program and great advising on campus. Students are adding minors and second majors – or changing their major altogether – and still staying on track for graduation in four or less years.